Can airguns be shipped to New Jersey? If not, then why can’t they?
Airguns are considered firearms under New Jersey law, and therefore are regulated as a firearm in New Jersey. Because of this, online retailers of airguns will not ship airguns into New Jersey. However, there are some exceptions to this rule.
So, now it is time to expound upon the simple answer, as there will always be more to the answer than the short, sweet, and simple.
Why Can’t Airguns be Shipped to New Jersey?
Part of the reason, again, that airguns cannot be shipped to New Jersey is because they are considered firearms by New Jersey Law, and as such, regulated exactly like a firearm, making it so that you have to have a Firearms Purchaser Identification Card in order to make the purchase.
That card is necessary to purchase even a BB gun, and must be presented at a state licensed firearms retailer, as these locations are the only places that airguns and firearms are allowed to be sold in the state, making it very difficult for online retailers to you know… legally sell you an airgun in New Jersey.
Air pistols are also considered firearm pistols, and ownership of them carries the same legal responsibilities that owning a normal pistol does.
It should also be noted that improper use or ownership of even a BB gun can carry severe consequences, sometimes counting as a third degree felony, punishable by three to five years in prison, and online retailers are understandably not interested in having that kind of liability placed on their shoulders.
How Do I Ship an Airgun Into New Jersey?
Follow these steps to ship an airgun from an online retailer like Pyramyd Air or Airgun Pro Shop. You can also purchase airguns from any licensed dealer selling them, but if there is something online that you would prefer, these steps will be necessary.
- Obtain a Firearms Purchaser Identification Card. You can apply for one at this website, or any state licensed firearms dealer.
- Identify an online retailer that is willing to ship an airgun to New Jersey, with brick and mortar partners in the state. We will include links further down that can be used to identify online airgun retailers that will do so.
- Go to the local gun store and make your purchase through them. They must fax a copy of their firearms license to your online store of choice.
Your order will then be processed, and you will be the proud owner of your airgun of choice.
Here are those links that we mentioned. They will take you to the websites of different popular online retailers of airguns, specifically the page on their sites informing us about shipping restrictions that they have.
- Pyramyd Air (888) 262-4867
- Airgun Pro Shops (915) 258-4766
- Crosman 1 (800) 724-7486
- Airgun Depot (866) 477-4867
Most online retailers of airguns have pages similar to these, intended to help you understand what limitations that they have and what and where they can ship.